Scientific Name
Aequidens pallidus
Common Name
Doublespot acara
This species is moderately large (to c. 14.0 cm) with triserial predorsal scale pattern, relatively long pectoral fin (36.6-44.6% of SL) and 25-26 scales in the E1 row. It is most similar to A. tubicen, both of which have an enhanced, wide light spot anterior to the caudal spot, lateral band high on side, posteriorly positioned midlateral spot, and high vertebral count (14 + 13 = 27). A. pallidus differs from A. tubicen in the colour pattern, having a supraorbital spot, (vs. none in A. tubicen) and a normal cheek spot (A. tubicen has a preopercular spot). In this species the posterior part of the lateral band is uninterrupted at all sizes (vs. divided into blotches in A. tubicen). Aequidens pallidus, though resembling A. diadema, can be distinguished from the latter by having higher E1 scale row count 25-26 (vs. 24); much narrower dark margins on dorsal flank scales; and, more posteriorly positioned midlateral spot (through E3 scales 12-15 instead of c. 10-13) (Ref. 86501).