Scientific Name
Perccottus glenii
Common Name
Chinese sleeper
Occurs in lentic waters, lakes, ponds, backwaters and marshes with dense underwater vegetation and avoids river stretches with fast and even slow current. Prefers stagnant rivers and bogs. Can tolerate poorly oxygenated water and able to survive in dried out or completely frozen water bodies by digging itself into mud where it hibernates. A voracious predatory fish constituting a most serious threat to aquatic fauna wherever it occurs. In small water bodies; known to extirpate almost all other fish species and amphibian larvae. Spawns for the first time at 1-3 years and about 6.0 cm SL. Spawns several potions of eggs in May to June at 15-20?C. Elongated eggs with sticky filaments usually deposited in one row close to water surface on underwater structures such as ro