Scientific Name
Thymallus tugarinae
Common Name
lower Amur grayling
Vertebrae: 49 - 55. The species is characterized by the following: Pored lateral line scales 75-91; unbranched rays in first dorsal fin 8-12, in second dorsal fin 13-17, total dorsal fin rays 23-26; number of vertebrae excluding urostyle 49-55; pyloric caeca 11-20; a wide red to maroon edging with the width 5-6 mm is seen along the upper margin of the dorsal fin, broadening towards the posterior end of the fin (in large males it may be 10 mm in width or more); below it , parallel with the edging, there are 4-5 rows (bands) of same-color spots; the upper row is slightly separated
from the edging and the bands below, and consists of the largest, slightly horizontally elongated oval spots; the lowest row of the spots, adjoined to the fin base, is weakly pronounced; bright orange sinuous stripes between the scale rows going along the body.; upper jaw overlaps with the anterior margin of the eye; length of dorsal fin base is from 25.3 to 33.3% SL; body significantly compressed laterally,