Scientific Name
Hippocampus debelius
Common Name
Softcoral seahorse
soft rays
(total): 14;
soft rays: 4. Very small (height 19.2mm, SL 23.7mm); 10 trunk rings; 28 tail rings; inferior and ventral trunk ridges well ossified; 14 dorsal fin rays; 10-11 pectoral fin rays; 4 anal fin rays; brooding area in males posterior to anal fin; medium length snout with a bulbous tip; low, angular coronet; gill opening separate, midway between pectoral fin base and dorsal midline; prominent, long and slender spines on head, trunk and tail; filaments or cirrhi absent; white background, mostly obscured by numerous close-set, brown lengthwise stripes or striations, tips of many of the spines dark brown to black, anterior trunk spines also with dark band centrally (Ref. 80667).