Atlantic Ocean: about 35?N (east of 40?W) and 47?N (west of 40?W) to the southern Subtropical Convergence at 40?S, but with discontinuity in the region of the cyclonic gyre 2?S - 11?S, in the eastern Atlantic and in the minimum region off Brazil (5?-9?S to 21?S). Indian Ocean: between 24? and 30?S. Western Pacific: northwest Pacific to off Australia and New Zealand (absent from western tropical Pacific and southeast Asian seas, Ref. 5182). Eastern Pacific: south of 55?N (Ref. 265) to 34?S, west of 80?W but to 20?S in Peruvian Transitional Zone. Southern Ocean: at 60?58'S, 48?05'W (Ref. 5182). South China Sea (Ref.74511).