Scientific Name
Stereolepis gigas
Common Name
Giant seabass
Occur on rock bottoms; near shore, outside kelp beds and along drop-offs (Ref. 2850). Large specimens usually found deeper than 30 m, small ones over sand and in kelp beds mostly from 12-21 m (Ref. 2850). Aggregate for spawning in summer (Ref. 2850). Pelagic spawners (Ref. 56049). Longevity of 90 to 100 years (Ref. 56049) stemmed from speculation on the age of a 557 lb fish caught in 1962, but the oldest age determined from otoliths of a 435 lb fish was 72 to75 years (Ref. 4563). Validated age so far is up to >50 years using bomb radiocarbon (A.H. Andrews, pers. comm.)